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Nomal rqLeivoQgHAnv /Evelyn (22/04/12(Tue) 21:32) #5358

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■5358 / 親階層)  rqLeivoQgHAnv
□投稿者/ Evelyn -(2022/04/12(Tue) 21:32:28)
    I never went to university https://www.enlightenedtraining.com/stmap_94gyirtx.html?cleocin.levitra.anastrozole aciclovir cream  "The FCC has made a stone soup of these claims to legal authority," says Berin Szoka of libertarian-leaning technology group TechFreedom. He explains the "stone soup" metaphor further, saying that the FCC is basing its defense on a series of tangential laws with nothing at their core. It’s a problem the agency has faced before, with unfavorable results. In 2010, it lost a major legal battle with Comcast, when a court said it hadn’t proved its right to stop Comcast from dramatically restricting BitTorrent traffic on its network.

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